kyra punya lagu

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Assalamualaikum and hai ..

So, today kita dating ke taman botani. Sebabnya die tak suka mall. Tade ape nk buat. So kita buat outdoor la. Mula2 ingt nak sewa basikal, sekali hmm, mcm tak worth it. So kita just jalan kaki je pergi ke setiap pelosok taman.

We end up talking to each other, make fun of each other, plan something for our future. Hahahahaa. And 1st risau jugak sbb kita jarang outdoor, sekali best rupanya. Sambil berbual2 tu. Klu naik basikal for sure tak leh berbual mcm tu.

Dri pkul 9pg sampai ke 2ptg kt taman botani tu, then terus ke starbucks lepak2 and balik. Die dgn starbucks tak boleh nak dipisahkan. Suka sgt. Kita layankan jela. Janji dpt la spend time dgn die.

Thank you sayang for today. Next, wall climbing please. Hahhaha

Oh for tickets ade 2 .. 1st parking ticket rm3. Then ticket masuk rm3 but if korg nak include masuk rumah iklim 4 musim then it is rm6. Worth every ringgit.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Well hello there ...

Here i am .. doing nothing because my life is boringgggg. Hahahah.

So let's start merapu.

Since tukar suasana kerja from fun, hectic, only have one day off every week to boring, slow and have 2 days off every week, so kita pun ade la memacam bnde utk difikirkan ..

Like seriously, before tak pernah rasa mcm "ape la yg aku buat ni. What is wrong with me and bla bla." Now i rasa mcm tu. And i realize, kerja office mmg btul2 tak kena dgn jiwa i yg tengah memberontak nie. Hahahahah.

It is fun before where i have my work shifts everyday, do different things everyday, i move a lot. Yeah. A lot sampai i got a muscle, lost my weight, no need to worry if i eat supper because i will not gain any weight. Hàving fun yelling at my colleagus, my bosses, got angry with management not fullfilled what i wanted, cover up my bosses infront their bosses.

Have a mood swing because of customer, because of my bosses, because some issues rised up to the management that leads to me, the one who will suffer and stuck with paperwork. Yet i can smile everyday, rasa semangat and still happy utk bekerja because all those faces yg akan i jumpa, yang akan buat my moods berubah2 dlm masa sehari.

Because working there always remind me of how tough your life is, dont forget to smile. Somebody is with you. Yes. Bila dpt lousy, cerewet customer, there is my boss. Solved it for me and bg kata2 semangat, try to make a jokes so that i have a reason to smile again. Or if my bosses angry at me, there is the customer who made my day bright so i wil not think about my problems to much.

Well life must go on .. so here i go .. moving forward ...

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Way to longggggggggg

Hello people.

Oh em geeee. Dah almost 2 tahun tidak update disini. Well busy with my life. No longer a student. Just graduated last year around april something. Then start kerja on november 2015 until now.

So currently bekerja di setahun lebih as a cashier/admin utk outlet midvalley. Now seminggu dah transfer ke HQ. But well, learned a lot. If u asked me mana best, i would say working in midvalley la. HQ office, so boring okay.

Sbb direct retail nie seronok. U meet different people everyday. The task is a bit different everyday and plus i got 4 boss to manage and sangat2 sporting. Well sorg jela sporting. Lain annoying. Hahahahahah.

Now office, most of the time stuck dekat meja sndri, kena hadap computer lama2. But since i love my family, so this is what we call sacrifice. Kerja dkt midvalley, selain i kena hadap customer yg mcm2 perangai, i kena hadap boss2 i yg mcm2 perangai jgak but hey, there will be no fun right klu tade cabaran? Hahahahhaha. But wlupun boss2 i perangai mcm ape, they build me up for what i am now.

And the best part is, they listen to me. I am incharge of everything. My way. Well since i am always know everything, i am always do whatever they want, listen to me is just a small token of appreciation for what i did to them. So yeah. Feeling good when they listen to me.

Bila dah masuk alam pekerjaan nie, banyak benda i realized. That u dont have a good life sbb hari2 pergi kerja balik kerja. That is it. And i also realized la, education wont help u much bila u dah kerja. It is all about your attitude, ape yang u ade utk offer diorg. That is why they listen to me.

One thing for sure u need to have a good dedication la on your job, dicipline in terms of your attendance. And eventhough u tak sependapat dgn u punya boss, never argue except if ur boss listen to u just like mine, then u can argue. Hahahhahahha. Kidding. Always know la bila utk melawan but jgn melawan selalu.

Boss is boss. They have their own ego. So if u want to go against the boss, be smart. Well some people asked me, i got my degree, what the hell am i doing working as a cashier? Well, it started as a part time because i really2 need a money that time.

Turned out i like it a lot. It improves my social skill. I am shy person. I mean i can only talk casually with someone i know. So working as a cashier, help me to learn to talk to strangers. So the level of shyness now is decreasing. Besides, i tak buat fully cashier. I am also jadi admin for that outlet. So i handle all those documents regarding the outlet, i need to always connected with HQ people, working closely with all my boss so that our midvalley operation will be smooth.

So kira jadi kerani pun i boleh okay. Hahahaha. Dengan ekonomi skrg, i rasa i am not in the situation to be picky. So just grab it and do my best.

So i rasa sampai sini dulu la. I will try my best to come back and membebel lg.

See you. 😊😁